(2009 - On living in L.A.) I'm kind of embarrassed by how quickly I adjusted to L.A. I really love it. It's so pleasant. I lived in New York for 10 years, I loved it, I never second-guessed it. There were definitely times when I thought, "I will never leave this place". And I kind of got into that center-of-the-universe mindset. And then, my last couple years, I was traveling so much for those The Daily Show (1996) field segments that I really got kind of beaten down, and for the first time, I would land at LaGuardia and get this heavy feeling like, "Ugh, I have to deal with New York City again. It's gonna stink, it's so hot in the summer". All the hardships of city life start to outweigh the convenience and fun of city life. I think that had a lot to do with the fact that I was traveling every week, almost, and I was just in and out of the city constantly. I didn't feel very stable. And then when I got to L.A. and started work on The Office (2005), it was so pleasant. It was such a change of pace. I would just go to work every day, the weather was beautiful, and I had this nice kind of Zen time in my car between work and home.
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