My brother, Tom DeSimone, being a director -- he made "Hell Night" and "Reform School Girls" -- he put me in a few of his movies. Small bit parts, nothing much. That's how I met Danny Steinmann. I played the teacher in "Savage Streets" and then Danny grabbed me real quick. He told me, 'I would like to get my own group of actors that I can always count on.' At the time, there was a whole segment of us actors and filmmakers. We were in Hollywood, but still kind of outside. I can only relate it to the music industry. When you're just starting out, you'll play a wedding or a wake. Anything, just to play. It is not that we wanted to be in those B or even C movies, it was just a chance to get near someone and get a credit. And I think we all knew that, once you're into a Part 3, 4 or 5, that whether it was a "Friday the 13" or anything else, it already had its own niche and that's where it was gonna stay. It was not going to take off and be another "Exorcist" or whatever. All you hoped for back then was a piece of film that you could put on your reel. I think it was the same thing with directors. I don't think Danny wanted to be a B-movie horror director. I know my brother didn't. But he did what they gave him.
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